This modern house is low occupancy with a maximum of 2 Participants.
The property is located in a quiet neighbourhood that is 1 minute walking distance to Wyndham Vale Train station (VLine), 1 min to Manor lakes community Centre and 3 mins Manor lakes Shopping Centre. Manor Lakes shopping centre has Kmart, Coles and all famous food courts only walking distance of 3mins
There is also a park across the street with BBQ and play equipment.
Internally the house has an ensuite and a separate bathroom for the second participant. The kitchen is modern and spacious allowing participants to navigate easily.
A large backyard offers plenty of space for outdoor relaxation. The open layout design will enable Participants to move easily between common areas.
Our experience and qualified support workers are available to meet the Participant’s support needs. Services are are flexible depending on Participants needs. These range from Supported Independent Living, Short term Accommodation, Respite, Personal Care and Community Access.